The short version (see screenshot): AI/GPT-4 is already surpassing human intelligence in almost all areas. Note in this perspective, as per Sam Altman (CEO OpenAI): “GPT-4 Is Just the Tip Of the Imminent AI Revolution” iow just a preview what is yet to be released.

Paraphrasing Alan Thompson, an expert in AI:

“We are reaching a point where we lack the capacity to design tests that accurately measure the intelligence of AI models. These models are surpassing human intelligence, but to what extent? Are they outperforming us by 10 percent or 10,000 percent? We can now utilize AI to create new tests, but we encounter the issue of not having enough cognitive power to verify the validity of these tests.

In essence, these AI models may provide us with groundbreaking insights, such as solving environmental issues or poverty, but we will be unable to determine their correctness. We simply do not possess the means to measure their true level of intelligence, as we have reached the limits of human capability.”